stop 0x000000d1蓝屏代码是什么意思



Stop 0x000000d1 is a blue screen error code in the Windows operating system. It indicates that a driver has violated the system's kernel-mode address space or attempted to access illegal memory addresses. This error can cause system crashes and instability, leading to the infamous "blue screen of death" (BSOD).

Understanding the Stop 0x000000d1 Error

The Stop 0x000000d1 error is commonly known as the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error. This error usually occurs when a driver tries to access an invalid memory address at a higher interrupt request level (IRQL) than allowed.

The IRQL is used to determine the priority of a software or hardware request on a computer system. When a driver attempts to access an invalid memory address at a higher IRQL, it can lead to system crashes and the Stop 0x000000d1 error.

Possible Causes of the Stop 0x000000d1 Error

Several factors can contribute to the occurrence of the Stop 0x000000d1 error:

  • Outdated or incompatible drivers: Drivers that are not updated or incompatible with the operating system can trigger the error. It is important to keep all drivers up to date to maintain system stability.
  • Faulty hardware: Faulty hardware components, such as RAM modules or hard drives, can cause the error. Testing hardware components for any defects can help identify and resolve the issue.
  • Malware infections: Malicious software can corrupt system files and drivers, leading to the occurrence of the Stop 0x000000d1 error. Regularly scanning the system for malware and keeping antivirus software updated can prevent such issues.
  • Incorrectly configured hardware: Improperly configured hardware settings, such as memory timings or IRQ conflicts, can cause the error. Ensuring correct hardware configuration is essential for stable operation.

Resolving the Stop 0x000000d1 Error

To resolve the Stop 0x000000d1 error, the following steps can help:

  1. Update drivers: Ensure all device drivers are updated to their latest versions. Visit the manufacturer's website to download and install the appropriate drivers for your hardware components.
  2. Check hardware: Test hardware components, such as RAM and hard drives, for any defects. Replace any faulty hardware if necessary.
  3. Scan for malware: Perform a thorough scan for malware using reliable antivirus software. Remove any detected threats and keep the antivirus software up to date.
  4. Check hardware configuration: Verify that all hardware components are correctly installed and configured. Ensure there are no conflicts between hardware devices.
  5. Undo recent changes: If the error started occurring after making changes to the system, such as installing new software or hardware, try undoing those changes to see if it resolves the issue.
  6. Perform a system restore: If none of the above steps work, consider performing a system restore to a previous stable state. This can help revert any recent changes that might have caused the Stop 0x000000d1 error.


The Stop 0x000000d1 error is a blue screen error code that indicates a driver violation in the system's kernel-mode address space. It is commonly caused by outdated or incompatible drivers, faulty hardware, malware infections, or incorrectly configured hardware. Resolving this error involves updating drivers, checking hardware components, scanning for malware, verifying hardware configuration, and undoing recent changes if necessary. If all else fails, performing a system restore can help revert any problematic changes. Following these steps should help resolve the Stop 0x000000d1 error and restore system stability.